Personally, I have a negative attitude towards home multi-gyms (also called strength-training complexes or stations). Most are unreliable, uncomfortable, break down quickly and are limited to upper-body workouts and not full-body exercises. But people take them home quite readily.

The reason is simple: price and compactness.

Indeed, such a home multi-gym can be bought from as little as $200. But I want to tell you straight away that you won’t get anything worthwhile in hundreds. In preparing this article, I reviewed several hundred of these home complexes. 90% of them are total crap. The remaining 10% are worth as much as a new car.

So what distinguishes a good home multi gym from a bad one:

  • Availability of squat racks. This is a prerequisite. But 90% of complexes don’t have such stoicism. And there is only a bench for leg extension and leg flexion lying down. But you won’t get a proper lower-body workout that way. That is, with gym machines without racks, you can only train your half-body. And this is only 50% of the result.
  • A chin-up bar for pull-ups and bars for push-ups. It is not obligatory but desirable, especially for men. Women can disregard such options. However, most home multi-gyms are of such a fragile design that manufacturers are simply wary of screwing bars and horizontal bars onto them.
  • Availability of a top and bottom unit. A cable can be pulled either from the lower team or from the upper company. But this, thank goodness, is on almost all home multi gym machines.
  • Availability of a barbell for the bench press. As a rule, if squat racks are available, they are also suitable for the bench press.

Naturally, with these options, any powerhouse will be loaded with free weight stack rather than blocks. That means you have to buy the bar and discs separately as well. And even if such an exercise machine is relatively inexpensive, you will also have to shell out money for it.

How to choose the right home multi-gym?

The multi-gyms are available with either built-in or free weights. The first option is the most common, ideal for small spaces and suitable for everyone, regardless of sporting experience. Weight machines with built-in weights use weight blocks and a whole system of cables as weights to ensure good consequences.

Free weights, which are preferred by professionals, are another matter. These multi-gyms use barbells, dumbbells and discs as weights. It is therefore much more challenging to practice on them.

When choosing a multi-gym, take your time with your purchase. Carefully study the design and functional advantages of the model you like. Pay attention to:

  • Maximum weight. Typically, multi gyms for home use have a maximum user weight and working load limit of 100 to 150 kg. The trainer’s importance to support must be 20-30 kg more than your body weight.
  • Total weight of the load. Depending on the model, it can be between 45 and 200 kg. Please note – the heavier the multi-gym is designed to be, the heavier the weight fitted. For amateurs, 45-60 kg is enough, but for professionals from 70 kg.
  • Optional extras. The best multi gyms can be outfitted with various equipment, such as the deadlift bar, deadlift arms for the butterfly and the chest press, cable for the upper and rowing presses, leg curl and other functions.
  • Adjustments. Ideally, you can adjust the inclination of the backrest, the height of the barbell stand, the length of the ropes, the position of the handles and other elements.
  • A folding option would not be out of place. Some models include this system, allowing the multi-gym to be stored in a compact, space-saving way.

Now, I hope you realise that there is no way that all of this together can cost 30,000 roubles or less. And, as a rule, the cost of such simulators exceeds 100,000. But I was able to find 4 multi-exercisers (out of several hundred) that I liked, both in terms of functionality and price. 

Atemi AGS 5000 strength-training complex

Of the inexpensive ones, this is the best option. It only costs 15,000 roubles. However, you will have to buy the bench separately. And a good bar with an adjustable backrest will cost at least another 10,000 roubles. What? Is there a cheaper one? I said GOOD shop. And don’t forget the barbell and discs either. That’s another 15,000 at least.

What do you get for the money? Essentially, just the squat and bench press stands, upper and lower blocks and a barbell. But these are the most essential options. And that’s enough to do all the basic exercises. I think buying this for just 25,000 roubles (along with the bench) is an excellent deal.

Apart from these, there are also safety poles (the long orange ones). The height of both uprights is adjustable. This means that you can train alone and not worry about being crushed by a barbell.

The upper and lower blocks will allow you to do all the exercises you can do on these blocks, but you will need to play around with the grip to make it comfortable.

In general, if you don’t have a lot of money, I advise you to take it. And I wouldn’t recommend saving money and buying some “block crap kit” for 1.5 times the price. And it’s not the presence of blocks, it’s the fact that there are simply no squat racks in block multi gyms. And no squatting means no good butt (for girls) and strong legs (for guys).

House Fit Multistation HG-2017

It will cost you between 45,000 and 50,000 roubles. But already with a bench and a barbell. 

The bar is fixed in a Smith machine. But this set also has racks for free weights (in case you want to buy more). I find this complex to be the most suitable for women. I’ll explain why:

1. It doesn’t have bars or a chin-up bar. Which, generally speaking, women don’t need to do.

2. It’s not very comfortable to work with heavyweights in a Smith. But medium and light weights are quite comfortable and safer to do.

3. In addition to the required set of options, there is also an arm curl and a leg curl and extension in the prone position. And these exercises usually appeal to girls.

So (if you’re a woman), all you’ll have to do to get a proper workout is to buy some discs. Incidentally, the adjustable bench allows you to bench press not only lying down but also at an incline and sitting up.

Powertec MK-HR11 Multi-gym

It will cost you around 45,000 from the looks of it, very sturdy. There is everything you need except bars. There are safety poles. Which is a good point, as people often train alone at home.

In general, in terms of functionality, it is identical to the first option. However, it does cost more. So, I put it here just as an option. Well, and it is prettier.

Powertec WB-PR11

It is the “big brother” of the previous version and costs around 70,000. This, you see, is quite expensive. But it is made based on a power frame. And the strength frame makes it an ‘indestructible’ piece of equipment. In it, you can lift weights of absolutely any weight. She can withstand anything. And he also has bars.

The height of the bars, safety posts and regular posts varies, it has various handle positions for pull-ups. It is one of the most durable and reliable trainers available. There is everything you need to do all the basic exercises. However, the Powertec brand is quite expensive. And because of the brand, there’s a nice mark-up in the price. But I think a power pack like this will last you a very long time. In short, I recommend it to men who like to work with heavyweights.


You also have to buy weights and discs (except for the second option). But that’s how I see the most suitable home multi-gym. Not the machines where you can do as much exercise as possible and those where you can do as many BASIC activities as possible.

Once again, I like all four options. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be here. But let everyone choose what they prefer and can afford.

That’s about it. I tried my best and scoured the internet to make sure I didn’t accidentally miss something worthwhile. These four strength sets are all I liked. Of course, there are still good options available for 200,000 roubles and more. But this is no longer for “mere mortals”. 

Thank you for your attention.

FAQ for the Best Multi gym 2021

How does your rating differ from other similar reviews?

Most similar rankings do not reflect up-to-date information. They are either written by SEOs and copywriters, who often have little understanding of sports equipment, or are simply outdated.

Our ranking, on the other hand, is based on reliable information. It is compiled and updated automatically – based on 3,068 reviews, purchase statistics for our online shop, and independent fitness experts’ opinions.

From how many models was this top 10 selected?

We’ve put together 11 years of sales results were carefully analysed. We have selected the best deals on price and quality among the items in our catalogue of 10+ items from 7 different brands.

How much money will it take to buy a multi-gym?

The ranking is designed to meet the needs of every customer. Here you’ll find a multi home gym for every choice and budget. 

For example, budget-conscious customers will love the DFC HOMEGYM HM019 Top/Bottom Pull-up Trainer for just 20990 roubles. Add a little extra, and you might like the Body-Solid ProClub SDC-2000G Dual Bench Rack, which has more features to satisfy even the professional athlete.

And if you’re looking for the best deal on the market, the Hasttings Digger HD023-1 + HD023-1 + HD023OPT-1 multigym should catch your eye. The most expensive doesn’t always mean the best – but in this case, the price is fully justified.

What is the right way to choose a multi-purpose machine?

We recommend that you pay attention to the rating and the main features:

Read the 74 reviews that customers have left for multigyms – real users’ opinions will help you choose the right product for you. The brand’s reputation and the length of the manufacturer’s official warranty are also crucial for a successful purchase.

If you want to select an unrated product, use the sorting option in the relevant category. We also recommend sorting the models by popularity. Practice shows that popular products among other users often fulfil all necessary requirements in terms of functionality, quality and price.

The most popular brands available in our online shop are:

  ➢ Body-Solid

  ➢ DFC

  ➢ Hasttings

Also worth considering are the lesser-known, but no less reliable manufacturers: Rebel.

On which parameters are the product evaluation system based?

The number of sales, positive feedback from customers, opinion of fitness experts and stock availability are all considered. 

Why isn’t there a viral model in the rankings?

The sports industry is evolving rapidly, which is why some popular multigyms have been discontinued. However, the rating is kept up to date automatically so that new, more advanced models can be offered to you. They are in stock and can be delivered to you within 1-2 days.  

Some popular models are missing from the rankings based on a set of analysed parameters. And if another model suits and appeals to you, feel free to rely on your own taste, and we guarantee the quality of all the products on offer.

If you can’t decide, please call us at +7 (495) 120-19-51 (Moscow) or +7 (812) 425-36-10 (St. Petersburg). Our managers are thoroughly knowledgeable about the products and willing to offer helpful advice.

How often are these rankings updated?

The rankings are updated daily and take into account the most recent information. That’s why you can always be sure that the products it contains are up to date.