Even in old age, staying active is still an issue, and even simple physical exercise can do the trick. For example, you can use the exercise bike, which gives you the right amount of aerobic exercise to keep you fit.

The exercise bike for seniors is interesting because it puts relatively little strain on the joints and the body as a whole. This is why it is often used in various rehabilitation centres and medical facilities. Regular training can be both therapeutic and preventative. 

This article will be looking at all the benefits and harms of seniors using exercise bikes and looking at the best exercise bikes for seniors.

Features and differences

A trainer for the elderly used at home is of low power and not designed for intense exercise. Its effect has been compared to that of a treadmill, which is also suitable for pensioners. The shells are mainly used at home for preventive or restorative purposes, but they are sometimes used in rehabilitation sessions in medical institutions.

Benefits and harms of the

The benefits of exercise bikes for seniors during exercise are as follows.

Exercise is a great way to make old age happier and more comfortable. Perhaps physical activity is more necessary at an older age than at a younger generation. The most important thing to consider is the training method and degree of exertion, and then you will see tangible benefits.

  • Improved mood. Emotional well-being in old age is not always at its best. This is where regular exercise can help ensure a good mood.
  • Cardiovascular system. Cardio exercise (in reasonable quantities) strengthens the cardiovascular system, is an excellent prevention of many ailments and can be practised if you are hypertensive.
  • Endurance, flexibility and coordination. Over the years, the body loses its original conditioning. Still, there are many examples of people who stay in great shape even at an advanced age: you have to exercise regularly to do so. The exercise bike can be used to strengthen the knee joint.
  • Respiratory system. Thanks to exercising on the exercise bike, it gradually gets better and better.
  • Immunity. There is a general improvement in health, illnesses do not manifest themselves as often, and well-being improves. This effect is due to the multifaceted positive effects of regular physical exercise on the body.
  • Nervous system. Physical activity in moderation improves your ability to think and concentrate. And this has very relevant benefits for many people in their old age.

The above aspects are only the most basic, but there are many other secondary factors.


Warning! The benefits are only achieved with proper training. You should be age-appropriate and be clear about the aims of the exercise. Therefore, it is best to get information from trusted sources or consult experts to create a training structure.

Exercise harm occurs when people of old age are not rationed at home, and their individual needs are not considered.


Overall, the number of restrictions is significant. The most common of these are:

  • Cardiovascular disease. Sometimes exercise is wholly unavailable and sometimes only a moderate amount is allowed. For this, a consultation is necessary.
  • Arthritis and similar joint ailments. Severe manifestations, as well as exercising on upright machines, are a restriction. However, in the early stages, pedalling for varicose veins is even beneficial.
  • Diabetes mellitus. If there is a significant degree of severity, classes are not available. In the early stages, exercise for diabetes can even be beneficial.
  • Infectious diseases or exacerbation of chronic ailments. During such a period, it is best to leave the training behind.
  • Diseases of the spine. This is mainly a limitation for the upright version of the exercise machine, but the exercise bike for back pain is recommended with the right approach.


Tip: If you want to start training as an older person, we strongly advise you not to rely solely on the information in this material. It is best to have an examination and ask your doctor or another specialist for the exercise details. After all, everybody is unique, and there are many factors to consider in each individual situation.

How to choose an exercise bike for seniors

Type of seating

Elderly people are offered home exercise equipment with 3 types of seating:

  • Horizontal. The pedals and seat are on the same plane, and there is a seat with back support during exercise. Older people are better off with this option as it doesn’t strain the spine while improving most physical performance. Using a treadmill can achieve the same results.
  • Vertical. This type of training is as close as possible to actual cycling. The pedals are under the seat, so all muscle groups are engaged during the workout. Suitable for older people without any serious illnesses. If you have a problem with your spine, it is best not to do it at home.
  • Mini (portable). This type of exercise bike has no handlebars and no seat, just a body with a flywheel and pedals. To exercise correctly at home, elderly people should have a chair, armchair or another comfortable seat in front of the machine. You can adjust the load on different muscle groups during workouts by pushing or pulling the trainer closer. Not suitable for strenuous exercise, useful for people of all ages.

Load system

Older people can choose a stationary bike at home to replace a treadmill workout, with one of the load-sharing systems:

  • Magnetic. The exercise bike’s flywheel contains magnets, which create a magnetic field with a resistance to the pedals’ movement as they converge. The equipment allows you to exercise silently, smoothly but lacks the variety of exercise choices.
  • Belt. A belt wraps around the flywheel, the tension of which determines the load on the workout. The exercise bike is easy to use, suitable for the elderly, easy to set up at home, but works unevenly, unsteadily.
  • Electromagnetic. A modern, advanced system that creates resistance through the action of an electric current. Suitable for exercise for the elderly, as exercise on this machine is smooth, measured. On the downside, the cost is high.


There are 2 types of load regulation for the elderly recumbent bike:

  • Manual – you have to turn the knob to change the mode (you have to interrupt the activity to change the level);
  • Electronic – resistance can be selected by pressing a button on the remote control (this option is better for older people as it is more accurate).
  • Smooth running (handwheel weight)

Older users should pay attention to the flywheel weight, which will make their exercising stable and smooth, without sudden jumps. The heavier the flywheel, the more reliable the exerciser:

  • Up to 7 kg – low degree of smooth running;
  • 7 to 10 kg is an average reading that describes a standard piece of exercise equipment suitable for older citizens;
  • Over 10 kg is the variant with the most uniform stroke.

Maximum user weight

Each device for the elderly is designed to train a person with a specific weight limit. Ensuring that the equipment does not go out of order during exercise at home does not exceed the limit. Models are available with a maximum weight of 100 to 180 kg.

User height

The seat and handlebars can be adjusted for an elderly person with a high stature on the trainer. You should check this parameter beforehand to make sure you are comfortable to study.

Pulse measurement

To avoid cardiovascular problems in the elderly, you should monitor your heart rate when exercising at home. There are these types of devices:

  • Clip – attaches to the elderly person’s ear, has a wire (does not always show correctly);
  • Wireless – the sensor is clipped onto the body during exercise (the most accurate option);
  • Built-in – touch sensors are installed on the handlebars, recording the readings of elderly users and displaying them on display (they go wrong if the palms of the hands are not entirely placed on the handlebars).

Transport rollers

Transport castors will help you move your exercise equipment around the home for the elderly. It doesn’t matter if a person in advanced age is physically fit – it’s easy and comfortable to move around on rollers.

How to use exercise bikes for seniors

For older people, moderate exercise on an exercise bike or treadmill at home for 20-30 minutes a day is recommended. You should set the load to a minimum and just drive at a leisurely, comfortable pace. To stay safe, make sure you consider the following:

  • Monitor your cardiovascular health by installing a heart rate monitor.
  • Do not use weights, older people at home do not need them.
  • Strictly follow the doctor’s prescription and do not go beyond medical drugs.
  • Watch your movement technique – for the elderly, quality is essential: smoothness, relaxation, evenness, etc.
  • Avoid overexertion and exhaustion.
  • Observe the reaction of the elderly person’s body.

The treadmill at home acts as an alternative to the exercise bike: it makes it easy to adjust the cardio load for older users without overtaxing them.

What are the alternatives to keeping fit in your old age?

If the elderly exercise bike is unavailable for one reason or another, the elderly person can find other suitable physical activity options:

  • Regular walks. Simple walks in the fresh air are one of the best options for healthy physical activity. Perhaps nothing has been invented by mankind better than available exercise for the elderly.
  • Treadmill. Sometimes the weather or lack of a walking area can make walking unavailable. So you can walk in comfort and warmth and on a treadmill.
  • Nordic walking. This option has gained enormous popularity among older people, mainly due to its excellent health benefits and affordability. You only need special poles and comfortable shoes. These days, it’s not hard to find the company – many elderly people are doing Nordic walking in various cities.
  • Aqua aerobics. This is an exercise in water (most often in swimming pools) under an experienced instructor’s supervision. The water movements take the strain off your joints, and short workouts have a significant effect.
  • Gymnastics. There are now quite a few gymnastic complexes developed for the elderly. Moreover, there are unique designs for various ailments and health limitations. It is therefore quite possible to choose the best set of exercises for yourself.
  • Exercise on the ellipsoid. The trainer allows you to relieve stress on your joints and work your body ultimately. The ellipsoid was initially designed specifically for recovery training, so it’s an exciting option for older people.